Toolkit - Physiotherapy

My decision to invest in physiotherapy last year came about quite out of the blue … My consultation with fellow co-founder Jenny Chancellor left me utterly convinced that I had found a programme that would really work for me, on all fronts – The Back Plan focuses on chronic back pain, increasing strength, mobility and function as well as management techniques and all from the comfort of my own home, using online consultations. Jenny was so thorough in taking me through a diagnostic session so that she could understand my medical background and the issues I wanted to work on that I was confident that I really didn’t need to be in the same room with her.

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BodyShanna BhambraComment
Toolkit - Gratitude

It might seem laughable, even offensive, to some that in times of pain we have anything to be grateful for. I get that. It’s definitely something I’ve thought over the years and not just always because of the pain itself – sometimes it has been because of my mental health, because of flare-ups, but most generally just the exhaustion that pain and being worn down by it brings about. Now however I’d say I’m a bona fide gratitude convert. There’s a lot more to it than cheesy quotes layered over pictures of dreamy sunsets, no matter what Instagram leads you to believe.

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SoulShanna BhambraComment
Looking Back Over 2018

2018 turned out to be a pretty big year for me, on all fronts, so I thought it would be nice to mark its passing with some reflection. It wasn’t an easy year and seemed to mostly stay at the furthest ends of the spectrum – either the highest of highs or lowest of lows. But I think I learned more about myself this past year than any other in recent history and I ended it feeling more at peace and content than I have for a very long time.

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Toolkit - Sleep Hygiene

I understand that for many people living with chronic pain, night can be one of the worst times of day – there’s nothing to distract from any pain or discomfort and any medications you’re on can have an effect on how, when and even if you’re able to fall asleep. But I think that is a trap we can fall into far too easily when trying to cope with managing sleep alongside chronic pain – we look for distraction to help us fall asleep rather than creating the most ideal conditions within which to do so.

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MindShanna BhambraComment
My Yoga With Adriene roadshow experience

Last Tuesday I fulfilled a long held dream and went to Alexandra Palace to practice yoga with Adriene Mishler - of Yoga With Adriene fame – as her European roadshow hit the UK and had the most incredible night. I’m not sure my words will do it justice but I really wanted to share it with you and highlight some of what I took away from the night.

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It's Time to Stop Should-ing

This is a tough one. I hit a real low one day last week, questioning everything from what I’m doing with my life to where I’m living and to how I measure my worth. I’m glad to say the deep fog has lifted, and this time pretty quickly, but it made me realise the value in continuing to talk openly about mental health.

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Toolkit - Yoga

I’m launching into the toolkit element of Being & Able with a biggie! I have no doubt that for many people living with chronic pain and disability just the word and idea of Yoga is scary as heck. Bear with me, keep an open mind and read on …

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BodyShanna Bhambra
Carers Week 2018

Today marks the start of Carers Week 2018 and I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the fantastic work so many people do in taking on the incredibly difficult task of looking after their loved ones.

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